I think I’m ready to explore mindfulness, but where do I begin?
When asked this question, my response would typically be, “Begin from wherever you are”, which means that this “starting point” might be different for everyone.
Recently, a friend asked me what mindfulness was, and I recommended a introductory webinar. This sparked off enough interest that he went on to finish reading a book that (in his words) “explained neurologically” what mindfulness is all about, and would likely prepare him to start practising. Then there was another friend who was curious, but almost resistant, for the longest time. She finally decided to experience mindfulness by joining my regular practice group and she has hardly missed a session since.
Regardless of where you might be on your mindfulness journey – exploratory, having a “sabbatical” or well-advanced, it may be helpful to periodically adopt a beginner’s mind: to read about, research into or experience something that you may or may not have known. Given the vast amount of resources out there, this “starter-kit” might be one starting point to help you kick-start, or rekindle, a mindfulness practice.
Here are some recommended articles that address common questions that arise when considering meditation and the practice of mindfulness, whether at home or the workplace.
- 6 Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Mindfulness And Meditation
- The Mindful Myth: It’s Not Actually About Relaxation
- 10 Things We Know About The Science of Meditation
- Mindfulness At Work: UBC Study First to Uncover Positive Benefit for Teams
There has been an explosion of literature on or about mindfulness in recent years. Here are some of our favorites:
- Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Wherever You Go, There You Are by Dan Siegal
- Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- 10% Happier by Dan Harris
- My Stroke of Insight by Dr Jill Bolte Taylor
Apps can be a great tool to support your practice and many of them are available at no cost – at least for basic features. It’s important to note however, that while useful and convenient, apps can’t replace the value of a personal coach or guide, or the community support that comes with practising in a group.
Other Resources
If you’re looking for more information, check out these websites as well.
There certainly is no shortage of available resources, no matter where you are in your mindfulness journey. For more in-depth and personalized guidance, check out our regular events.